Get More Customerswith Web Marketing
More Customers = More Sales = More Revenue = Help More People Off Media Web Marketing offers you full service internet & web marketing for your online business promotion. To find out if you need digital marketing, you need three things in addition to your offer: 1) a marketing plan 2) a marketing budget 3) a web or online component to that budget.Web Marketing in Three Easy Steps
Create… Share… Attract…
Step 1 – Create Your Off Media Media
Create your media in all mediums to share your offer, email, web, video, audio, social, postcard, magazine, mailing. For online business promotion this usually starts with a web site for sharing all that juicy digital media. Make sure you have a web site that works.Step 2 – Share Your Media
Publish and promote on all channels to publish your media starting with email marketing, build your list. Use all Media Channels Online & Off: Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Paid Ads, Banner Ads, “Free” Organic Search, Postcards and on.Step 3 – Attract Customers
Attract followers via all your publishing efforts, via referrals, via consciousness. You will attract those in need of your assistance and wisdom if you bring something to the party meaning have something to offer. Any questions? But really, there is no need to get bogged down in details, wow factor imagery, “sliders”, fancy words & nomenclature, meant to impress you, yet failing miserably to communicate the essentials of marketing online. Marketing is easy, both online and off. So why mess that up?Web Marketing Is Easy… But It Can Be A Lot Of Work Without Me There To Hold Your Hand
Online business promotion is very simple, however does involve a lot of work and attention to detail, you don’t have time to do so I will do it for you.HERE’S HOW YOU GET THERE
You get more customers through content optimization and web media production that helps them by giving them what they want. Quick example: What do Zillow visitors want? To find homes. What does the home page say? Reimagine home. We’ll help you find a place you’ll love with a huge search box. They get what they want, fast, easily, and free.Broadcasting Your Media
You then broadcast to your customers and prospects as widely as possible by casting the widest net possible. Publishing your killer content will build your authority and trust, keeping customers and bringing new customers. Your web marketing process includes all phases of so called content marketing, which is simply providing high-quality free stuff to keep and earn more customers. Content marketing, like all marketing, is just another way to describe helping people “solve a problem” or fill a need. Make it easy for them, and you will get more customers.Content Marketing
- Web Design & Development
- Email Marketing: Copy, Artwork & Layout
- Social Media Marketing
- Content Optimization: Online & Off
- Online Audience Optimization: The latest phrase!
- Landing Pages & Landing Page Videos
- Writing Copy: Mostly Web Copywriting but Off-Line too
- Youtube Videos: Shooting Video, Soundtracks & Editing
- Audio Production: Podcasts
- Graphics, Imagery & Visuals
- Search Engine Optimization
- Search Engine Marketing