Originally published 10/26/2011
The Best Web Hosting for the Do-It-Yourselfer
Do you really want hands on web hosting? Seriously?
Off Media will take care of all your web internet marketing needs so you do not have to know what web hosting is or deal with it. We use and recommend Hostgator for your projects.
You may want to choose your own host for your own projects.
If you want to handle your own web hosting, are a do-it-yourselfer looking for web hosting, we recommend Hostgator’s unlimited shared hosting.
Keep in mind that cheap web hosting may or may not have the best support, you get what you pay for does apply at times, but the do-it-yourself web designer usually won’t need much support. Hostgator, however, over delivers in the support arena so that is not a worry.
As you can see the storage wars are resulting in impractical storage limits that benefit all of us greatly. “Unlimited” is now the norm and is pure marketing. No server is “unlimited”. In practical terms, you can have as much as you need for web purposes.
Update 10/9/2010 – Everybody now offers “unlimited”. Remember, that’s a euphemism for “as much as you need for web purposes, not storage!” When you upgrade to a VPS or dedicated server, reality will reappear and you’ll see your true limits.
Meanwhile, unlimited shared hosting is, in practical terms, unlimited.
Recommendation HOSTGATOR
I’ve used IPower, Godaddy, Netsol and they are all a major pain with clunky hard to use control panels and a lot less “control”. IPower went to heck with absolutely useless php/mysql performance making WordPress and other apps really and truly useless. Their support responds with, in essence, “too bad”.
Bottom line for the do-it-yourselfer:
Solid, classic, cpanel hosting with superior all USA support! Add their money back guarantee and their owner’s personal guarantee and I’m happy. (Note: Brent Oxley sold out in 2012 and the personal guarantee went away some time before that. Too big to offer that I suppose. Success can be hard!)
*I will get a commission if you buy through one of these links. The cost to you is the same. I hope you feel I’ve earned your click!
Hope this helps,
Mark Stamas