Web Marketing Made Easy

Web Marketing & Web Design for Fresno, Clovis, Oakhurst, North Fork

A Web Site Without Conversion Is Just A Web Site

Is your web site converting visitors to sales?

How do you know? If not, what is that costing you in economic opportunity losses?

Do you need a web site? Ready to market on the internet? Want your site to work from day one?

What is a web site that works?

This is the often overlooked question that leaves myriad, in fact the vast majority, of web sites essentially useless. Maybe that is the intent for 99% of the sites out there, but not yours.

So what is a web site that works?

The answer you already know: a web site that works is a web site that increases your sales and profits.

So you know what you want, and need help on how to get there.

This is where Off Media can help you reach that goal, the “how” of designing web sites and other online marketing media that convert to sales is our expertise.

Converting visitors to customers requires web content that reaches the right prospects and speaks to their needs. When your prospects find you have the answer they seek, along with the confidence to choose you out of your competitors, your web site will convert to sales.

Reaching the right visitors is critical.

For the most part there isn’t any “traffic” that just happens by and happens to convert. This is one of the first mistakes made, assuming that a web site in and of itself will increase your visibility and profits.

The web differs from the offline business world in that location doesn’t really exist. People are either looking for you or they are not. Our job is to make sure that when they do, they find you, and they buy from you.

Think of it this way, back in the day a sales force used various methods to reach as many prospects as possible. It was a numbers game. The sales person would cold call as many prospects as possible, with a certain percentage buying.

With the internet, it’s essentially the opposite, or reversed.

You the business person selling a product has become the prospect of the buyer, and the buyer has become the “reversed sales person”, the party out trolling for prospective businesses with which to do business.

Sounds weird right? It is.

The buyer is still the buyer, but since they can sit at their computer and review literally hundreds of prospective vendors all competing for their business the equation is essentially reversed.

This means you become one of hundreds or thousands of competitors all vying for the reversed sales person or buyer. They really aren’t looking for YOU. They are looking for the business that will solve their problem, fill their needs, provide their widget, or whatever.

All right, you get it…

Converting To Sales

So how do you give yourself the best chance to convert these detective buyers to sales?

How you get there takes many forms, finding and targeting the right prospects, publishing your site to the appropriate directories, paying for sponsored search traffic, signups, social media, video, eblasts and on.

You want to do them all, the wider the net you cast, the more sales you will catch. It’s still a numbers game.But all of this isn’t your job directly, running your business is Your job, marketing your business is Ours.

You want to be able to rest assured that your online internet web marketing is going to plan and, converting to sales, while you focus on running your business. And you want to be able to quantify results.

What you need from your web site Off Media will provide you with your input, goals and ideas.

How you get there, is our problem.

If your web site does not add to your bottom line, your web site isn’t working.

(Make Note for Informational Sites: Bottom line can also mean obtaining the objective of your site, not always strictly sales and dollars. For example, you may be blogging to build a readership. Your bottom line then, is the number of readers you draw. Or you may be disseminating information in support of off line promotions, the more you communicate that information, the better your bottom line.)

Quantifying the results of your web site can be daunting, but doable, and is essential in determining if your site works, thus increasing your profits.

In ecommerce that’s somewhat easier, you get sales directly on the site and know if sales go up or down or happen at all.

When your site is informational for your prospects to find out more about you, tracking conversion isn’t nearly as simple but again is doable.

Conversion of your prospects is your top priority and thus Off Media’s

Building and Marketing Prospect Targeted Keyword Focused web sites that build your business and promote your brand is what we do, so you can focus on growing your business.

Then we take the next and ongoing steps to make your online presence visible to your prospects.

  1. You want to market effectively online and you want to know that your online business promotion efforts focused, productive and meet your goals.
  2. You want one point of contact for all your promotion to maximize return on investment, consolidate your efforts and streamline efficiency.
  3. You want great web design for aesthetics but more importantly a user friendly, fully accessible, easily understood online presence that makes your message clear and doesn’t confuse your prospects with the all too common “what do I do next?” syndrome.
  4. You want top notch customer service to provide you with timely response and delivery.
  5. Above all you need your unique business proposition, identity and benefits communicated to your prospects.

You Want Quantifiable Results

“. . . . Off Media has been providing web marketing and ecommerce development services that have increased our inquiries and sales drastically . . . ”

David Wensloff, PE
Integrated Engineers, Inc.

“. . . Off Media created a smoking hot website. . . a very complex and sophisticated website. Mark delivered on time, on budget, and exceeded our expectations. . . ”

James Breitenstein
LandSmith Construction

Learn more about what Off Media can do for you >>>

You Want Clear Communication

To be worthwhile, your web site must provide you with a good return on your investment.

Your site must reflect who you are, what you do, where you are going, why you are better and how you work. Your web site is, ultimately…..you, your business, your passion. Above all your web site must be accessible, very accessible. Speed and convenience are the cornerstones of the Internet phenomena.

To do that right you need an all in one provider with the know how and ability to produce results. Off Media will make your web project better, more effective, more efficient and long lasting, for less.

With the proliferation of low cost do-it-yourself solutions the misconception that the web is a glorified Word doc can be very appealing. Your neighbor’s nephew has a brother who knows a guy at work who can hook you up for almost nothing. This may be true but in the end you get what you pay for. Anything from clunky to cool, but the site just sits there, if it ever gets done.

Position Yourself to Succeed

You need to position yourself well, accurately, productively and forcefully on the ever growing Internet.

Don’t miss out on the fantastic opportunity for lower cost extremely effective business exposure available on the Internet today, open to the whole world 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

You have found your one stop provider with Off Media. We also provide full marketing materials development, publishing and direct marketing.

Promote your business online, fast, easy and hassle free.

Get Started

Off Media is located in the heart of the Central Sierra Nevada foothills and mountains providing web development, web hosting, web design and multimedia marketing to Madera, Fresno, Oakhurst, Coarsegold, Bass Lake, Mariposa and Ahwahnee California. We can serve you no matter where you are located.